sábado, 15 de março de 2014

low-key affair.

under this dark sky, the moon is full and the path lighten by its glow!
i never thought leaving someone would be such a relief!
this freedom is earned  and the way i feel has nothing to do with reason,
you were extremely difficult and occasionally rude,
 a phantom with no intention to be,
useless for my plans of ultimate ‘break me’
Please speak low, don’t wake up the monster,
who secretly demands answers - not excuses!

you ignored my adorable blasting attitude,
 oh i hope you don’t change your mind, please keep away,
cause you’re nothing real to me.
Please speak low, don’t wake up the monster,
who secretly demands answers - not excuses.

You are to stay miserable so i smirk each time i remember you,
a hounded animal with no feelings to consider.
i try not to see you as  a grotesque memory but it’s all you are,
a pretext to waste more time.
a houseless child with caring needs.
Speak low, Please ! don’t wake up the monster,
who secretly demands answers - not excuses.

You cannot rest, never,
and will never smile with a pure heart.
like narcissus, full of plastic needs and no morality, you splatter ashes!
looking at you makes me regret belief;
oh you, a man of an age above consideration, soon to be faceless.
Speak low, don’t wake up the monster,
who demands answers - not excuses.

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