terça-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2018

into fiction

ausente da realidade e a tombar sem apoios ou rota, num falsete mudo, observo infinita indiferença e falta de expressão.
apatia e desinteresse são dois condimentos que não incluo na dieta. 3.2.2017

i am responsible for everything i give and take.
my actions and decisions are pure, good or bad! once they get out, just like words, they belong to everyone.
this lightness is expected, but i expect too much.
you all sleep so may hours. you all die too soon. I've a got a feeling there is not much more than I know already...it must be this brightness that takes my sleep away. the fall from darkness. 3.2.2017

dress me in shades of light, slaughter my words, hold them in, weaken my power and make my pen gentle and kind.  3.2 2017

it's a shame all my best qualities are not valued by you, my best is not for everyone!
no words can fight time's transparency. when you're fighting ghosts you gave birth to, you don't know what irony is.
arise and lets get lost in chance.
lets turn to happiness and end this misery.
there is no shame in slaughter and love.
come down. 3.2.2017

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